The difference is that the latter is able to back up a wider range of date types, including photos, videos, music and SMS, besides contacts. It is another backup service provided by Verizon. When talking Verizon Backup, many people may have heard of Verizon Cloud. The 2GB free storage is available to any Verizon subscriber who has a basic phone, Android phone, iPhone, Blackberry or Windows phone. And when lost important contact or upgrade to a new device, you can restore them from the storage. Verizon subscribers could save their contacts, photos, videos and music to an online storage. Verizon Backup, also known as Verizon Backup Assistant Plus, is a utility released by Verizon Wireless. Part 3: How to Backup All Data Files of Verizon to Computer.Part 2: How to Backup Android Phone with Verizon Backup/ Verizon Cloud.Therefore, we are going to show how to back up Android devices using this service in details. Some people still do not know what is Verizon Backup and how to use it. Fortunately, there are several backup tools on market, such as Verizon Backup. So, you will need to back up your Smartphone to a cloud service or computer. According to experts, the internal storage of Smartphone has reached the critical point and cannot increase anymore. As manufacturers improve camera technology, we can take HD photos and videos with Smartphone.